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Crime Prevention 

The discipline of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design or CPTED (pronounced sep’ted) is the study of utilizing the elements of territoriality, natural surveillance, and natural access control in the design of a property to make it unattractive to the criminal, reducing their perception of opportunity and convincing them not to commit the crime, or redirecting them to commit their crime in another  more desirable location.


Drew Neckar, the President of Security Advisors Consulting Group, is certified as a CPTED Specialist by the American Crime Prevention Institute in the use of CPTED methodology. At Security Advisors Consulting Group we have utilized our crime prevention expertise in designing customized solutions for:

  • Hotels

  • Residential communities

  • Schools

  • Universities

  • Hospitals

  • Corporate offices

Crime Prevention Services Available

    We will review existing crime prevention measures at your site, evaluate their effectiveness, and recommend potential improvements.


    Security is a situational discipline, the first step in preventing crime is understanding local crime trends. We will work with the client, local police, and other resources to understand the crime drivers and unique risks in your specific area.


    CPTED is most effectively implemented in the design phase of construction. We can work with your architect to ensure that appropriate elements are included

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